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Pozdravljeni na forumu DOM ZA VSE PSE!

Če ste eden izmed prostovolcev, ki hoče pomagat živalim, se kaj novega naučiti in biti na tekočem z problemi v Sloveniji se regristrirajte. Registracija je preprosta in kratka, administrator pa bo odobril vaše sodelovanje na forumu v roku 24 ur.

Redni gostje priporočamo registracijo, saj boste s tem lahko pripomogli k koristnosti foruma in izrazli vaše mnenje. Je pa tudi koristna, saj boste odveščeni o novih objavah in lahko boste izražali vaše mnenje ter predloge Smile
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Alaskan noble companion dog

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1Alaskan noble companion dog Empty Alaskan noble companion dog Pon 17 Nov - 17:02:24




Odpiram novo temo te zeelo redke pasme. Pasma izvira iz Amerika, ustvarila jo je Ann Dresselhaus iz Amerike, namen je bil vzrediti pasmo podobno volku a s vsemi karakteristikami in zmožnostmi za delo, reševanje, agility, RO, ovčarstvo...Brez prisotnosti volka v njem, a to še ostaja skrivnost. Vzrditeljica trdi, da v njem ni volka, a so mnogi sumničavi.

Pasma se mi zdi zeelo zanimiva saj bi naj bili te psi izredno inteligentni (poznam par primerkov in lastnikov iz Kanade, ki so vzeli psa pri tej punci). Odnos same vzrediteljice do psov pa zeelo dober.

Pogovarjala sem se z lastnico iz Kanade, njen pes Jarrow je zelo neproblematičen pes, ne trpi za seperativno aneksijo, je povsem ljubezniv, crkljiv, do nje in se razume s vsemi psi. Ima še belgijsko ovčarko, malinojko Onyx in škotskega ovčarja. Tudi s tujimi psi se razume.

Živi skupaj s kokošmi, kozami in konji, nima lovskega nagona.
Njegovi predniki pa terapevtski psi.

Je pa EDIN iz legla, ki je tako nezaupljiv do tujcev, meji na strah, a mi je rekla, da napredujeta tudi v tem.
Uči ga razno razne trikce, vedno ga ima spuščenega, rekla da brez strahu, da bi pobegnil.

Opisala mi je tudi, da je nek dan čreda jelenov letela mimo njega in je pes samo opazoval v sedečem položaju.

Kontaktirala sem vzrediteljico, ki se res spozna na vzrejo, parila je več, pasem, da bi dobila samo pozitivne gene oz. primerke.

Je pa zeelo zanimivo saj bi naj bil pes potomec:

The Alaskan noble companion dog, a very new breed intending for a wolfish look, they use no wolf or wolf dog stock, focusing on German shepherd, malamute and husky foundations, but they also have greyhound, great Pyrenees, Labrador, border collie and even greyhound has been added down the line. The dogs are very wolfy looking, though apparently they only come in black and do look a lot like black GSD's, the GSD influence is quite apparent.


Why the name Alaskan Noble Companion Dog ?

Alaskan:  to get the idea across that this is a northern-looking breed (not place of origin).  

Noble:  because they have noble/regal appearance.

Companion:  because that is what they are.  In addition, there is another play on words that working dog people will recognize, and that is: When you abbreviate the breed name ANCD or Alaskan Noble CD, the last 2 letters are the abbreviation the AKC uses for it's first formal obedience title, AKC CD (Companion Dog).



Both for the individual dog and for a breed (population) as a whole, excessive attention to appearance can have negative consequences. Things can go wrong if we do not take into account the effects "embellishments" can have on the physiology of the animal. It is a human propensity to beautify still more what is beautiful already. Rounded becomes dome-shaped, short becomes too short and wide becomes broader still. Some breeds have such enormous pelts that the hair covers the head so richly that the dog is unable to see. Exaggeration lurks. With this in mind, we approach the Alaskan Noble Companion Dog's conformation very generally in the early evolution of this breed, striving to leave the observer with a gestalt rather than great detail.


The Alaskan Noble Companion Dog is an eclectic breed and the ultimate generalist. The ideal dog is capable of almost any kind of work including herding, carting, agility, obedience, lure coursing, tracking, mushing, therapy dog work, and some Schutzhund events. Individual dogs will excel in various areas, but the breed as a whole is capable of producing competitors in any of these areas. This is a low maintenance breed in the sense that it is robust and long-lived, but higher maintenance in the sense that it has an active mind and body that prefer to be occupied with problems to solve and experiencing life to the fullest which includes a keen observation style.

This breed is a good companion indoors and out. The adult is not so high energy that it is bouncing off the walls of the house when left alone, but seldom is a 'couch potato' until well into old age (its later teen years). He is capable of being an 'alert' dog that knows when something is worth paying attention to by directing your attention via voice and body posture. He is friendly enough to get along casually with other dogs. Attempting to bite another dog is a disqualification.

Individuals of the breed may be somewhat aloof to strangers, but not apprehensive, standing their ground and showing confidence to meet overtures without themselves making them, while others may be openly extroverted to all strangers. They should be observant and vigilant of new situations and people, not switching loyalties easily yet all must be capable of eventually warming up to a friendly stranger.

Individuals must be approachable by the judge in order to successfully observe the teeth and to determine testicle descent. Attempting to bite the judge is a disqualification. A dog shrinking behind its master or handler while being approached by the judge is a fault. Tucking of tail tightly under the body while being examined by the judge is a fault.


The ideal Alaskan Noble Companion Dog is between 26" and 33" tall and weighs 60-110 pounds. The females may be much smaller than the males occupying the lower end of the weight and height spectrum, however large height and weight in females is not considered a fault.

The ideal eye color is yellow, green, grey, or blue with amber (or gold) being common. The lighter the eye color the better, with dark brown eyes being considered a minor fault. Symmetry is desirable in eye color and if the 2 eyes are different colors or if one eye is bi-colored, it is considered a minor fault.

The body color should be as gradually blended as possible giving a natural progression from one color to the next with a minimum of sharp transitions. Obvious masks which give the appearance of other breeds such as an Alaskan Malamute or Siberian Husky are faults. Pinto markings (large spots) and white tail tip markings are faults. White markings on the feet or chest are to be minimized. All colors including solid colors, dilute colors, and white are acceptable with multiple-banded fur being very common giving the appearance of many color hues in the same dog.

A tightly curled tail as in an Akita or an Alaskan Malamute is a fault. The tail curvature is to be minimized.

Coat ranges in length from that of a typical German Shepherd to that of a longer-haired Alaskan Malamute with the ideal lying somewhere in-between. The ideal coat length and thickness, achieved by a thick seasonal undercoat beneath coarse guard hairs, does not require daily brushing, yet is long enough and thick enough to withstand the coldest North American winters in the dog's prime. When in full coat, a substantial neck and cheek ruff should be visible. The neck and cheek ruffs should be maximized. Curly hair is a fault. Slightly wavy hair is a minor fault.

Ears range in size from that of a typical Belgian Shepherd to that of an Alaskan Malamute. Floppy ears are a major fault. Inside ear hair should be maximized although lack of abundant hair in ears is not a fault. Overly large ears in proportion to the head on the adult dog, like that of a German Shepherd is a minor fault.

Bite should be a scissors with an even bite being a minor fault. Underbite or other obvious bite abnormalities are major faults. Lack of 2 descended testicles in a male is a disqualification.

Front legs should appear close together from the front compared to most other breeds, similar to the larger Sight Hounds. The dogs should move effortlessly, single tracking while moving at a trot, appearing as if the body is suspended in the air from above like a marionette.

Solid color nose leather is desirable. Black is preferred to pastels. Distinct spots on the nose are a fault.

Feet size should be maximized within reason and should appear bigger than the connecting leg width. Rear dew claws are a minor fault. Nail color should be either darker or the same color as surrounding hair color. Lighter nails than surrounding hair color is a minor fault.

More on conformation TBD.

Breeding Disqualifications:

Lack of ability to achieve the AKC CGC temperament status recorded with AKC.
Lack of OFA Good or Excellent hip status recorded with OFA.
Lack of a CERF Pass eye status recorded with CERF.
Lack of 2 descended testicles in a male.
Severe underbite, severe overbite, wry jaw, or sideways-protruding teeth.
Any obvious skeleton deformities.
Obvious ectropion or entropion.

Revised 03/05

Copyright A. Dresselhaus


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Zanimiva mi je pestrosrt prednikov te pasme, in kaj vse se z genetiko lahko doseže.

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2Alaskan noble companion dog Empty Re: Alaskan noble companion dog Pon 17 Nov - 17:08:08



Odlično Smile Mogoče samo če ti v prihodnosti uspe slovensko verzijo zapisat bi bilo super ^^ Drugače pa ni nič narobe Very Happy BRAVO!

3Alaskan noble companion dog Empty Re: Alaskan noble companion dog Pon 17 Nov - 17:13:45



Hvala ti Smile

Jah, to bi bilo res ogromnoo dela, ti pa veš kje sem sedaj...Smile Malo težko. HVALA Smile

Kakšen se ti zdi ta pes?

Fant mi veselo navija, da bi pa on to z mano imel Smile
Saj n ič ne rečem pasma je ČUDOVITA, najlepša tako vizualno kot karakterno.

Njemu se sploh ne zdi težava v Ameriko iti, plus vzrediteljica morda pošilja pse v EU.

Prav malo obseden je Smile A jaz sem zaenkrat še vedno bolj na belih švicarskih ovčarjih.
Bomo videli, morda se mi pa kdaj pridruži črna kepica Smile

Morda celo železno siva Smile

Če koga kaj zanima, glede opisa mu rade volje prevedem Smile

4Alaskan noble companion dog Empty Re: Alaskan noble companion dog Pon 17 Nov - 17:17:21



Če še nisi videl sem nekaj tudi z lastnimi besedami napisala Smile Kolikor mi je čas omogočal Smile

5Alaskan noble companion dog Empty Re: Alaskan noble companion dog Pon 17 Nov - 17:19:56



sem videl no Smile HAHA! Smile

Saj sem ti rekel, forum te ne sili pisati (vsaj zdaj v tem času ne)... je pa zaželjeno Smile

Meni niso nekaj ekstra všeč - mi takšen videz ni ravno waaaw, so pa lepi Smile

6Alaskan noble companion dog Empty Re: Alaskan noble companion dog Pon 17 Nov - 17:36:08



7Alaskan noble companion dog Empty Re: Alaskan noble companion dog Pon 17 Nov - 17:41:50



Kak so lušni^^ ti sivi pa res zgledajo ko volkovi Razz

8Alaskan noble companion dog Empty Re: Alaskan noble companion dog Pon 17 Nov - 18:24:41



Ja res prečudovite živali Vsega respekta vredne Smile

9Alaskan noble companion dog Empty Re: Alaskan noble companion dog Pon 17 Nov - 19:48:44



Krasni so! Glede videza so mi pa črni bolj všeč. 💥

10Alaskan noble companion dog Empty Re: Alaskan noble companion dog Pon 17 Nov - 19:55:27



Meni so pa res waaaaau :aaaa:  Sem prebral veliko od čehov in saarlosov, tako iz radovednosti in ker so mi zelo zanimivi psi, ampak ti so pa res izjemni. Prvič slišim za to pasmo, enkrat v daljni prihodnosti, ko bom vedel že mnogo več od psov, si želim tako wolf-like pasmo. Smile

11Alaskan noble companion dog Empty Re: Alaskan noble companion dog Pon 17 Nov - 20:29:18

ziva kai tobi

ziva kai tobi

Waaaw.., če je karakter tak kot je opisano (seveda so povsod izjeme), bi bila tale pasma na mojem seznamu za zaželjene pse v moji prihodnosti. Mogoče pa, ko bom na jackpotu zadela pa ga grem iskat Very Happy Wink

12Alaskan noble companion dog Empty Re: Alaskan noble companion dog Pon 17 Nov - 21:16:05



Waw! Kaj pa črni! Krasni so. Pa karakterno očitno tudi v redu. Smile

13Alaskan noble companion dog Empty Re: Alaskan noble companion dog Pon 17 Nov - 23:05:00



Tudi meni, res najlepši pes.

Res srčnom upam, da vzrediteljica ne prikriva česar, ker je sama in prva ustanovila pasmo Smile
Ampak glede na to, da poznam primere terapevtskih psov ? Vsi vemo kakšne teste karakterja morajo ti psi imeti, ma kakšna agresija? Ne pride v poštev Smile

In glede na lastnike, ki trdijo, da s psi nimajo večjih težav bi znalo biti res? Smile In že pasemsko značilno je miroljuben in nedominanten karakter.

Ann pravi, da je njen cilj bil vzrediti izmed vseh psov najboljše pse, najboljše gene. Mislim, da to ni neka težavna pasma? Smile

Malo pogledaš posnetke ko vozijo pse v dome za ostarele, po bolnišnicah, mislim, da je vse ok Smile

Pa tale Jarrow sobiva z samcem in samico in pravi, da mu glede vseh psov 100% zaupa? Smile

UPAM, da se pasme potemtakem ne pokvari.

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